May 23-24, 2019 | Century Park Hotel, Manila
Call For Papers
View Abstract Format Here:
View Full Paper Format Here:
Easychair Submission Link:
Short Abstract Submission Instructions:
Prepare an abstract consisting of 250 - 500 words, following the “Abstract” section of the downloadable template.
Upload the abstract in PDF or word file through your easychair account, with the file name format below: File Name: UniversityAcronym_Surname _TypeofPresentation (e.g. DLSU_DelaCruz_Poster, KU_DelaCruz_Oral).
If the abstract is accepted, the presenter will receive an email notification and be given a registration number.
Full Paper Submission Instructions:
The recommended length for the full paper should be 4 to 6 pages in length. Kindly follow the the downloadable template provided.
Upload the full paper both in PDF and Word files through your easychair account, with the file name format: File Name: Registration Number_Surname_TypeofPresentation (e.g. 01_DelaCruz_Poster, 01_DelaCruz_Oral)
Advanced Materials and Chemicals
Artificial Intelligence
Data Analytics
Energy and the Environment
Systems Biology
Climate Change
Health Science
Science Policy
Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization
A list of topics are provided to categorize your submissions for the parallel sessions. However, if your paper cannot be categorized under any of the topics below, kindly click “Others”. The general presentation is a venue to present ideas or projects to all the participants to receive insightful input and to encourage collaboration among various institutions.
Type of presentation is only either ORAL or POSTER